PC Meeting – December 2024
MEETING DATE: Wednesday 11th December 2024
TIME : 7:30pm
LOCATION: Stinchcombe Village Hall – Community Meeting Room
Notice to members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Stinchcombe Parish Council to be held on the above date for the purpose of transacting business as per the agenda below. This meeting will be held at Stinchcombe Village Hall.
Members are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, & Human Rights.
Notice to members of the Public
Members of the public are invited to attend and to ask questions and raise issues with the councillors during the agenda item “Meeting for public discussion and questions”. Outside of the public session, attending members of the public may observe the meeting only, unless invited to speak at the discretion of the chairperson.
Agenda Items
- To receive and accept any apologies for absence
- To invite and receive any declarations of interest
- To receive an update on matters arising from previous meetings, not covered by agenda, and agree any next steps
- To approve the accuracy of the minutes from the council’s November meeting
- Meeting for public discussion and questions
- The Council to receive the following reports:
- Written report from district councillors
- Written report from county councillor
- To review and comment on the following planning applications, enforcement notices and appeals:
- 24/2105/FUL|Erection of a new industrial building (B2), together with associated works|Land At Lorridge Farm Bristol Road Berkeley Gloucestershire
- To note report on planning decisions on applications, enforcement notices and appeals
(information only)
- To receive updates from Working Groups and agree further actions:
- Stinchcombe Environment and Biodiversity Group – initial leader: Kath Hudson
- Stinchcombe Footpaths Group – initial leader: Roger Batty
- Stinchcombe Community Energy Group – initial leader: John Delafield
- To discuss ongoing Parish Council matters and agree further actions:
- Community Recreational Space (Children’s Play Area)
- Swings
- Parish Council’s Communication Strategy
- New email addresses and website
- Speedwatch and Road Safety Matters
- To discuss Parish Council events and agree any actions and expenditure:
- 80th VE and VJ day commemoration on Thursday 8th May 2025
- To review and agree Parish Council Policies and Procedures
- Flood Planning
- Parish council finances
- To review and agree payments on the payment schedule
- To note any receipts
- To ratify accounts
- To review and agree draft 2025-2026 budget
- To propose and agree 2025-2026 precept request
- To note completion of risk assessments
- To receive report from clerk on Parish Council correspondence
- receive verbal reports on Parish Councillor activities not covered by agenda
- To confirm upcoming meeting dates
Signed: Mandy Rossiter, Clerk Date: 5th December 2024